Ludovic Doutreleau
Attorney at law – Paris & Geneva Bar

Ludovic DOUTRELEAU practises as an attorney-at-law since 2000.

He generally represents and advises a clientele of shareholders or corporations on capital transactions, acquisitions or takeovers, restructuring or on the process of establishing new businesses in Switzerland or in France.

Based in Geneva, he specifically advises companies developing innovative technologies, particularly in the field of digital transformation, and companies in the sectors of private or commercial aviation and in the sector of maritime industries and blue economy.

Ludovic DOUTRELEAU began his career as a white-collar crime lawyer prior to joining in 2000 the former French office of the New York law firm Cahill Gordon & Reindell where he became involved in various matters such as the recovery proceedings of World War II stolen assets, the restructuring of international corporations and the development of start-ups that pioneered the web economy.

In 2006, Ludovic DOUTRELEAU founded Lyllner, a law firm providing an incubator environment to Paris-based start-ups and dedicated to the seed funding of early stage innovation in Biotech and MedTech. In 2008, Lyllner expanded as a French and Swiss law firm and Ludovic DOUTRELEAU began focusing on the aviation and maritime sectors.

Ludovic DOUTRELEAU is involved in pro bono activities for the development of institutions dedicated to childhood relief, to the promotion of live performance arts or to the protection of the oceans and of the biodiversity.

Ludovic DOUTRELEAU holds an aviation law diploma with the International Aviation Transport Association (IATA).

Ludovic DOUTRELEAU is also an alumnus of the National Institute for High Defence Studies (IHEDN) for its national maritime strategy session.


Corporate Law
Employment Law and international employment Law